Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“A Universally Conscious Mind”
St. Paul once proclaimed, “Let this Mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”
Richard Maurice Bucke had this experience, and in his now classic book titled Cosmic Consciousness, he writes about some of the many people through the ages whom he believed had also experienced Cosmic or Universal Consciousness.
In recent years, through advancement in communications, there has been a surge of both hard copy books and eBooks speaking on the subject, but most who speak or write on the subject are commentators or observers that have not themselves had such an awakening.
The descriptions given in this Mystical Insight come as a direct result of more than half a century of my numerous experiences of Universal Consciousness. These experiences place me above no one, for Universal Consciousness simply is and has existed in the experience of many persons through the ages. To what extent Universal Consciousness has dominated the consciousness of any single individual varies greatly.
The experiences of awareness described here are offered only for points of reference from the standpoint of earthly perception when speaking of a Universal Consciousness of being:
- An identification with the whole of existence
- A Oneness with the whole of existence
- A recognition that the level of spiritual awareness at the surface level of most human minds is at great variance, and that the vast majority of souls incarnating on the physical earth plane have little—if any—awareness of their Universal Origin and inseparable Oneness with Universal Consciousness. This is not a criticism, but rather an observation that the majority of souls incarnating here are more in the embryonic stage of spiritual awakening.
- A recognition and awareness that the physical earth plane is an existence into which souls of a lesser degree of spiritual awareness incarnate
- A recognition that, because of the enormous variety of spiritual awakening, various religions exist to be able to communicate spirituality to those on the same level
- An awareness that life is Universal and not confined to one physical, earth-plane incarnation—that the Real Life in each soul is Universal Life or Eternal Life and cannot die or cease to exist when the present human body is no longer available
- A forgiveness and compassion for all souls, recognizing their lack of awareness of the Oneness of life—but while forgiving and compassionate, not condoning any act that violates the sacred Oneness of life. Note these words from the Universal Consciousness Christ Mind that was in Jesus:
“Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”
“Who among you is without sin and will cast the first stone?”
“Sin no more.” - A recognition that Universal Consciousness or Mind existed in the Mind of Jesus as well as in Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, and many others. Its manifestation expressed itself at an exceptional level in the Christ Mind in Jesus—that is, in the forgiveness of sins and negative, destructive karma for all souls incarnating into this plane of existence. The message for all those who believe in the Christ (or the Universal, Eternal Life) that was in Jesus is that they “shall be forgiven and live an Eternal Life.” This same Universal Consciousness of forgiveness can also be found in the words of others. Krishna, for example, said, “Though a man be filled with the sins of a lifetime, if he but love me (that is, Universal God Consciousness) in complete adoration, I see no sinner, as that man is holy.”
- An awareness of other dimensions of existence and the progressive awakening of souls to higher levels of manifestation. And, when the reference is made to souls awakening to Universal Consciousness on the physical earth plane, in higher or more advanced souls it is more a re-awakening to Universal Consciousness, which generally occurs earlier in such a person’s life as consciousness expands beyond simple ego-centered existence.
- An awareness that true and thus lasting wealth is to be found in Oneness with Universal Consciousness or God. In the Words of the Christ Mind that was in Jesus, “Your treasure is where your heart is.” Ego-centered minds will often challenge those who have spoken about or alluded to Oneness with God with the criticism that if one is so aligned with Oneness, shouldn’t one have the power to create fame, fortune, and so on? In the words of the Christ Mind that was in Jesus, “My kingdom is not of this world.” In Universal Consciousness there is so much more—so very, very much more—that the trinkets of this world are seen for what they are. But if a person of Universal Consciousness has achieved much by worldly standards, there is still no obsession with achievement or identity expansion as measured against worldly standards. All possessions or achievements are recognized as temporary illusions of the outer senses. A better home, car, or financial state are just seen as ways to an end—to be in a better position to do things to glorify God, instead of the personal ego. A simple flower may be of far greater value to a person having Universal Consciousness than a diamond; but if such a person possesses a diamond or anything of similar earthly value, it is, again, used as a resource to bring Universal Consciousness or God before others, whether in direct spiritual expression or indirectly through art, music, poetry, science, athletics, or leadership, to name but a few.
Universal Mind Consciousness only takes place when the soul is ready to experience it. Even the most advanced meditation techniques and other spiritual practices will not cause such awareness to occur. In a few people such practices will seem to be the cause, but are not. These people are engaged in such practices because there was already a stirring in their souls that an awakening was about to take place.
If you intuitively sense such a stirring in yourself, and if your soul’s time for awakening is in this lifetime, give thanks to Universal God Presence within you—for you are blessed!
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 10–13.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev