Activating Success Energy Frequencies in Your Mind: Within your mind are various energy frequencies for success—not just financial success, but success for all areas of your life, including love. To experience success you should tune into these frequencies through a daily practice of meditation, as well as visualization and sensitivity attunement.
Affirmations for “Activating Success Energy Frequencies in Your Mind” by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Defining Success: I recognize that success, spiritually understood, means success for my life as a whole, and is not limited to material or worldly definitions of success.
- Thought Energy: I understand that every thought I think is energy, and that certain like-energies exist in certain frequencies within my mind.
- Success Frequencies: I understand that there are various success frequencies, such as for financial success and success in love.
- Tuning In: I understand that success is achieved by consciously or unconsciously (karma) tuning in to and being under the influence of success frequencies.
- Universal God Mind: I understand that all success frequencies exist and come from Universal Mind, or God, which is at the innermost center of consciousness within me.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I receive success frequencies into my conscious mind, originating from the God Mind within me.
- Visualization: Periodically during my daily activities, I visualize or imagine my body filled with God’s Creative Light Energy, filling my conscious awareness with success energy frequencies.
- Sensitivity Attunement: Periodically during the day—to keep attuned to success energy frequencies—with one hand I touch the upper part of my body containing Creative Light Energy success frequencies, and with the forefinger of my other hand I touch my forehead, signifying that success frequencies are flowing into and influencing my conscious mind.
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