Attracting and Maintaining Valentine’s Love: To attract and maintain the love of a valentine, you must be one with the qualities that make you worthy of such love. Those qualities include, but are not limited to, being a true friend; being supportive and encouraging; being positive, constructive, and non judgmental; and being understanding and trusting.
Affirmations for “Attracting and Maintaining Valentine’s Love” are:
- Key: I recognize that to both attract and maintain valentine love, I must be one with those qualities that make me worthy of such love.
- Friendship: I recognize that to both attract and maintain that kind of love, I must first be a true friend.
- Liking: I recognize that to both attract and maintain valentine love, both people must truly like each other, which is the basis of friendship and the foundation of maintaining love.
- Supportive: I recognize that to both attract and maintain that kind of love, I must be naturally supportive and encouraging to the person I am with.
- Non-Judgmental: I recognize that to both attract and maintain valentine love, I must be non-judgmental in expressing myself, and seek God’s intuitive guidance as to how to best communicate what I feel and think in a positive and constructive way.
- Non-Controlling: I recognize that to both attract and maintain that kind of love, I must never attempt to control anyone, knowing that this is forcing a relationship into existence or to continue to exist, which is contrary to all real love.
- Understanding: I recognize that to both attract and maintain valentine love, I should be understanding of the other person’s views, lifestyle, why they think and feel as they do, and through knowing adjust accordingly.
- Trusting: I recognize that to both attract and maintain that kind of love, two people must be able—without reservation—to trust each other with details about their lives they would not speak of to others.
- Comfort Zone Sharing: I recognize that to both attract and maintain valentine love, both persons must feel relaxed and unguarded in sharing with each other their thoughts, feelings, and time.
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