Rev. Deana Sanderson B.Msc.

Deana is an Ordained Metaphysical Minister with the International Metaphysical Ministry, Metaphysical Practitioner, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Science (B.Msc.). She utilizes spiritual practices to heal not only the conditions of the physical body but emotional as well. As a trauma survivor, she has a personal interest in helping others navigate their own journey towards a happier and healthier tomorrow. If you suffer from insomnia, anxiety, headaches, stiff and sore muscles, emotional instability, or experience gastrointestinal (GI) issues you are in the right place. Using subtle energy healing techniques is a powerful and profound way to support and maintain your health and well-being.
Deana is also a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200), Healing Touch Professional (HTP), as well as a Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional (CAHP). Deana’s approach to energy healing is based on the reflections of her learnings over the past few years, a collection of spiritual insights, and Divine guidance. The foundation for her approach, it’s philosophy and belief system, come from her metaphysics and Healing Touch training as a Light Worker.
After being diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and finding no relief from traditional methods of treatment, Deana decided to become her own health advocate through education, research, and years of study and hands-on experience. It was through this experience she became aware of her gifts: her intuitiveness, high sense perception, and ability to sense, feel, and see the life force energy of the body.
Deana understands from first-hand experience how easy it is to fall back into old habits, patterns of doing or thinking in certain ways. Studies have shown, ninety-five percent of our “programming” is based on the experiences we had within the first seven years of our lives. These experiences and our reactions to them become our internal programming and are buried deep within our subconscious mind. We go through life unconsciously operating based on our subconscious programming.
As part of her healing journey, Deana created the 7-Chakra Balance & Healing Program. The program is a system for working on your own personal growth and recovery. It systematically helps you identify the various components of your subconscious programming code so you can make any necessary adjustments and step into your wholeness, the beautiful Being of Light you are!
Deana also offers a Mystical Meditation –Journey Through the Chakras program. This exploratory journey through the primary chakras includes guided mystical meditation and group energy therapy designed to open, balance, and connect these energy centers. Deana will also provide you with useful tools such as affirmations, visualizations, and physical exercises you can use to help keep your energy system in a balanced state.
She has also created a unique offering that provides support and resources as you make your way into your wholeness. Her Personalized Intention and Energy Healing Circle monthly membership is a self-care program based on your personal intentions. Once a month, Deana will design and create a mystical meditation based on your specific intention. During this meditation, Deana will guide you through a visualization and bring in a flow of energy to facilitate the intended balancing based on the intention provided. During the energy healing process, you will be held in a sacred, loving space.
Whether you are just starting your journey or a seasoned expert, regular meditation, yoga, and energy therapy sessions have proven beneficial when practiced consistently. Raising frequency moves us from low vibrations such as anxiety, fear, guilt, and anger to high vibrations of peace, love, joy, and balance. Elevation to higher vibration can be accomplished with mystical meditation, yoga, and energy medicine.
For more information, please contact Deana at: