Dr. E H Cain Gerrod, Msc.D., Ph.D.
E H Cain Gerrod, Msc.D., Ph.D., has written two books on personal motivation and success, using metaphysics to help build a legacy for our community worldwide. He has been an ordained minister, evangelist and pastor in the past for evangelical churches. Dr. Gerrod has spoken around the world on spiritual development and personal achievement. His focus on healing from the inner self throughout our walk here has been a vision for helping people change their local community and economy, with the personal mission to give to others beyond our fears.
In addition, he created a broadcast channel for just that. He will soon make available a channel just for spiritual enlightenment, plus a marketplace for reaching the world with messages to help build a better global community. His creation of a network station with multiple channels is already underway.
ABN, the NET-WORKS TV broadcast will be going to the public forum in the coming weeks from being a private channel on ROKU TV and Vimeo.com since 2013. It will also syndicate soon to Sky’s-NOWTV, Google TV.
Program Channels will show one main feature per month and multiple micro-features called Featurettes promoting Education, Commerce, Entertainment, and Entrepreneurs in their market communities.
ABN, the NET-WORKS will be focused on Dr. Gerrod’s vision as company founder, and his passions for showing and promoting business industries, entertainment genres, and spiritual beginnings. Including How-tos behind the scenes, pre-recorded events in all genres, to Talk Shows in the US, UK through LATAM and Asia.
Create the best possible vision. That is our gift by design.
Dr. E H Cain Gerrod can be contacted by email at abnthenetworks@gmail.com