Excerpts of Sample Modules
The first two sections of this page are samples of curriculum content representative of course quality in the Ministerial Section (referred to in the Prospectus). These samples are drawn from the lesson entitled “Metaphysical Sensitivity Training.”
The third and fourth sections are samples of curriculum content representative of course quality in the master’s program (as referred to in the Prospectus). These samples are drawn from the module titled “The Metaphysical Psychology of Consciousness.”
We have included these samples from actual curriculum to enable you to better evaluate the quality of our doctoral degree program.
Complimentary letters praising the content of the curriculum materials are received regularly from our doctoral graduates. These letters not only commend the preparation they have received for a doctoral career in Metaphysics, but express how the curriculum materials have helped improve the quality of their own lives as well. They may be viewed by going to the Testimonial page.
Metaphysical Sensitivity Training
Revised copyright © 2014 by Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Psycho-Physical Sensitivity Exchange
You are a psycho-physical unit; that is, your mind affects your body and, in turn, your body affects your mind. This lesson is designed to create a greater sensitivity in the interaction between both. The final intention is to increase your sensitivity to the power of a Higher-Self-Reality in your True Self or Higher Mind. This is accomplished through the use of metaphysical sensitivity techniques, the majority of which are self-techniques which you perform upon yourself without the participation of another person. Also included are a small number of one-on-one techniques which can be used between you and another person.
Different parts of the body are touched in ways described to stimulate an intensification of your Higher feeling nature, one with your Higher Mind.
Think of it as an exchange of energy between different parts of the body to stimulate a higher energy factor within your Higher Mind.
You will surely experience the benefit of these metaphysical sensitivity techniques if you will but do them for a few days, or perhaps even the first time you do them.
Metaphysical Self-Sensitivity Training Techniques
The following techniques should be done in a thoughtful, meditative manner. They can be done before, during, or after your daily meditation. Self-experimentation will show you which is best for you. The words in the affirmations, “Higher Mind,” may be exchanged for “God-Mind,” “Higher-Self,” “God-Self,” “Real-Self,” or whatever other expression of your own Self-Reality seems to give greater sensitivity to each affirmation.
Technique No. l – Hands-to-Feet Technique
With both hands, reach down and hold the soles of your feet. Wait a few moments until you feel that there is some type of energy-flow between your hands and feet. After this is established, give yourself the following affirmation. Repeat until you intuitively feel a reality to what you are saying and doing.
“From the soles of my feet and through my hands to my head, the presence of my higher mind consciousness exists now.”
Technique No. 2 – Tongue-in-Mouth Technique
Concentrate mentally on feeling the existence of your tongue. When this mental concentration has been established, give yourself the following affirmation. Repeat until you intuitively sense a reality.
“My tongue is perfectly controlled and moved by my higher mind for good communication with others.”
Technique No. 3 – Hand-Breath Technique
With the fingers of both hands joined and with palms open facing you, positioned close to your mouth, give the following affirmations with your eyes open and then closed. As you do, breathe gently into your palms with a slightly open mouth. Alternate opening and closing your eyes with each affirmation. Repeat until you feel an inner reality.
Eyes-Open Affirmation:
“The true life of my breath is my higher mind.”
Eyes-Closed Affirmation:
“My higher mind, containing higher wisdom, breathes its life through me.”
Technique No. 4 – Ear-Eyes-Closure Technique
Place your thumbs in your ears and at the same time your forefingers over closed eyelids. In this position, give yourself the following affirmations:
“All sound, about and within me, is one with the original universal creative sound vibration of my higher mind.”
“The creative sound vibration of my higher mind restores and regenerates all the vibrations of my body.”
Technique No. 5 – Pulse-Feeling Technique
Locate your pulse on your wrist; with your hand, feel and become sensitive to the pulsations. After you have become sensitive to this, repeat the following affirmation until you intuitively feel an inner reality.
“The pulse of my higher mind, one with the pulsations of universal harmony, renew the vital forces of my mind and body.”
Technique No. 6 – Chest-Patting Technique
With both hands, gently pat your chest area as you repeat the following affirmation. Keep this up until you feel an inner reality.
“My higher mind, one with the unity of universal life, vibrates that unity as love filling my heart – vibrating out to others, and attracting love back to me.”
Technique No. 7 – Abdominal-Brushing Technique
Gently move your hands over your abdominal area in a “brushing away” motion, gently touching that area of your body as you do.
The following two sections are excerpted from a lesson on consciousness:
Through deep meditational practices we actually find the nature of the mind and consciousness. When Christ said, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions,” he was referring directly to the many levels of consciousness within the human mind.
Traditional Western Psychology, as an example will break down the mind very simply, as in Diagram 1.
In accurately exploring the mind thoroughly in Metaphysics, the mind may be broken down to the following levels:
The experiencing of the innermost state of mind, or Cosmic Consciousness, has the greatest life transforming power in an individual’s life. Whether a Buddhist describes it as Nirvana, or a Christian mystic as God, there is one essential impact upon human consciousness that creates the greatest advancement toward healthy and aware mental living; i.e., that all who have experienced this state of mind within themselves, regardless of secular descriptions, agree that the experience itself is one of “Universal Oneness.” Why, then, is this the most important of all of life’s mental experiences?
In the classical Western psychological approach to the mind, if a person is neurotic and seeks help, the approach is as follows: The person is deemed neurotic because of having difficulties in associating with their exterior environment. The libido (life-force) is not connecting with the exterior environment. A gap exists between the person’s sense of identity and identification symbols in their exterior environment.
As can be seen from the preceding diagram, a person who is neurotic in the traditional psychological sense cannot connect with the world immediately around them. They withdraw into themselves and create a fantasyland in the personal subconscious levels of their minds as an escape from coping with the environmental reality. They have set up a state of psychic isolation between themselves and their environment. To protect themselves, all manner of defense mechanisms are set up so as not to allow outside occurrences to interfere with the inner escape.
Defense mechanisms can translate themselves into hostility, antisocial behavior, role and game playing with others, etc., etc. In extreme cases the libido is so reversed back into the unconscious levels of the mind that the uncontrollable, powerful forces of the collective unconscious flood the conscious mind, and the result is that neurosis has become psychosis.
Western Psychology’s answer to this problem, as simply stated as possible, is as follows: Through psychotherapy, one establishes an identity within oneself that is equal to the common denominator of identity in the social structure (outer environment) in which the individual must function.