Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“God as Your Guru”
There is an expression out of India that goes, “When the chela, or student, is ready, the Guru, or teacher, shall appear.” Most people take this to mean that when a physical student has reached a point in their consciousness where they are open to receiving teachings of higher spiritual truth, or God-Realization, the spiritual teacher of higher truth, or enlightenment, will appear as a physical teacher in their life.
While there may indeed be times in your life when a spiritual teacher of truth may cross your path, the ultimate Guru, or teacher, is within you—within your own mind as the Presence of God at the center or nucleus of your mind.
A physical teacher who is real and sincere will instruct you that the only true Guru is God’s presence within you, which seeks to intuitively instruct you as to the living of your life and reaching enlightenment, or more specifically, reaching mystical union with God within yourself.
This is primarily accomplished by practicing meditation. A daily practice of meditation opens your conscious mind to the instructing higher-mind consciousness of God within you. Each day, meditate upon finding God’s consciousness within your own mind. This daily practice keeps increasing what I term a conscious pipeline between the God part of your mind and the surface, human level.
Day after day, sometimes gradually over a period of time, sometimes immediately, your conscious-mind level begins to assimilate a greater amount of intuitive guidance from the God center of consciousness within you. You realize that God is indeed your Guru as you think, sense, and feel the intuitive instruction that God is providing you. You realize that while physical Gurus can be helpful, you should have the innate presence of God within you to be your own Guru.
Most people’s identities are no more than the sum total of their outer physical world experiences and education. Since people are born into a neurotic and unaware society, their own identity becomes a composite of neurosis and lack of awareness. This consciousness is at the more surface levels of the human mind, repressing the divine mind, nature’s intelligence, or the mind of God, from flowing forth into the conscious level.
The divine mind, or God, wishes to teach the individual mind within all human beings how much love God has for you, by teaching and instructing you in the mysteries of life and the ways of the Spirit. As a person grows spiritually, they eventually come to the point where they recognize that the only True Guru, the lasting one, is God’s Presence within them.
There are very few exceptions, and it would be hard to find them unless you were tuned into the real Guru, or God within you. In that case, one would probably not need their guidance, as you would already be receiving guidance from God. If you can resist the temptation to seek answers about your life from such outside sources, your inside source will see this and begin to be your real Guru.
Christ advised, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and Heaven, and all things would be added to you.” This includes wisdom and knowledge of life’s mysteries, and how they directly relate to you regarding your life’s purpose, and your soul’s life purpose and mission.
The real Guru, or God, is the only presence that can instruct you in your quest for spiritual self-understanding and enlightenment. Each soul and mind is different in its needs according to where it stands on the spiritual ladder of life.
If God is your real Guru, and you turn to God continually, day in and day out, you will be guided and instructed in ways that are specifically in the best interests of you and your soul.
Deeper Eastern or mystical practices of meditation establish a contact between the personal level of your mind and the God level, or innermost center. With such contact, there is no reason to seek outside Gurus. The real Guru, or God within you, may intuitively direct you to outside sources, but typically throughout your life, this will happen infrequently.
Hunches, feelings, spontaneous and creative thoughts should be acted upon, once you have established God as your real Guru through meditation, prayer and other spiritual means. Wherever you are, whatever you may be doing, whomever you may be with, the God level of your mind is guiding and instructing the personal level of your mind in exactly what to do.
God is the creative force and consciousness of the Universe. The All that Is began as an idea in the mind of God, including planets, suns, galaxies, life forms. A portion of God’s mind, at the center of consciousness within you, is filled with creative ideas. Many of those creative ideas can be placed into your mind to prosper and heal you.
When you choose God as your real Guru, the personal level of your mind gains access to the vast storehouse of divine creative intelligence.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ “The Theocentric Way of Life,” Volume 3: Module 16.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev