Rev. Adéle Scott – B.Msc.

Rev. Adéle Scott has a lifelong passion for healing. Her greatest desire since she was eight years old was to be a doctor. She wanted to heal. She felt driven to understand the anatomical process of the human body and mind, but her endeavours to get accepted into medical school were unsuccessful in various ways over the course of her life.
It wasn’t until she discovered an intense interest in Philosophy and Physics that she started looking at her life from a different perspective. She’d never considered herself a “success” in conventional terms because she couldn’t see past the fact that she never went to Medical School, but one day she started to look outside of her little box at the world and at her desire to help, and she realised that healing is as much universal as it is anatomical. What started out as trying to understand and make sense of her own “misfortune” opened a world that felt like home. It felt like infinite love, and she realised at that moment that her yearning for healing was the right calling; she just had to find the right path to do so by starting with healing herself.
She was led to the University of Metaphysics and has since embarked on a deep journey of healing that she would never have found unless her life took this path. She graduated with a Bachelor of Metaphysical Science degree from the University of Metaphysics in Sedona and is currently embracing the next chapter of that journey as she continues with her master’s. As her learning continues, she has started a successful counselling practice where she advocates the process of Self-Healing.
Her philosophy is that if we are able to educate the people of the world in the art of healing themselves, we will eventually heal the world in its entirety.
Bringing Self-healing to one soul at a time will eventually demonstrate to the whole world the power of our own Self-Love.
For more information, please contact Adéle at: