Rev. Stephanie Kana, B.Msc.

Reverend Stephanie Kana earned her Bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Science from the University of Metaphysics. She’s currently completing her Master’s degree in Spiritual Counseling.
Rev. Kana is additionally certified in Tarot and Angel card reading as well as crystal healing. She has studied and employs gemstones, Celtic mandalas, labyrinths, and pendulums in her spiritual practice.
A shamanic practitioner, she believes she was placed on Mother Earth at this time to empathize with people and reveal to them their Life Purpose if they so desire. She gladly and gratefully counsels on how to develop or renew a positive outlook on life.
Rev. Kana is an author of both non-fiction and fiction works. Her book “Spirited Messages: Wisdom From the Afterlife” is self-published. The sequel, “More Spirited Than Ever,” details messages from her main Spirit Guide that teaches joy to everyone.
She has also written a series of historical fiction books dealing with the ancient but modern theme of maintaining love and happiness amidst conflict and war in the British Isles. The series of three is entitled Past Lives, Past Loves.
Rev. Kana is working on her latest inspirational book, “Star Pacts: Our Deepest Spiritual Connections Unveiled.” In this work, she compares and contrasts the topics of Soul Families, Soul Mates, Spiritual Marriages, and Star Pacts made with one’s Twin Soul.
For more information, please contact Stephanie at: