Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“Higher Guidance—Or, How to Let God Fill in the Details”
So much of the stress that is experienced in modern-day society is as a direct result of not knowing what to do in one’s life at any given moment. In today’s rapidly changing world, more than ever people need to know what to do in their lives, and once they do know—how to manifest it. Or, even if there is some knowledge of what should be done, there exists a void for most people as to how to do it.
Down through recorded history, the greatest guidance has come from inspired thought and thinking. First, an inspired thought, or the original idea, emerges from within oneself as to what to do in one’s life. This is followed by a series of ideas as to how to put the original idea into action and how to see it through to fruition.
Know that the Presence of Universal Mind, or God-Mind, is in you right this moment, as it has been all of your life and will continue to be for the remainder of your physical life and beyond it. Mystical research and wisdom through the ages have shown that both the original idea and the follow-through thinking in support of the idea have come from the higher, deeper part of the human mind—that part of the mind that mystics have described as Universal Consciousness or Presence of God within the human mind.
Most people receive only occasional inspired thoughts in their lifetimes. When this inspiration does occur, along with the follow-through, their lives are generally better as a result of it. However, in the majority of the time most people are not receiving any inspired ideas, and that explains why they do not live more fulfilled lives.
A person may, of course, experience many good things in life without any feeling that they are being Divinely Guided. Even so, while there may be brief moments of exhilaration, such moments are, for the most part, short-lived because the foundation of the happiness or seeming fulfilment is built upon a temporary and/or material concept of human existence. However, if the foundation of their lives is built upon the incomparable Eternal, as with a person who is being guided by Universal Will and Intelligence instead of personal will and intellect alone, one intuitively knows, senses, or feels, that one’s life is being guided by God.
True Guidance comes from knowing how to let your God-Mind get through to your conscious mind with the original idea and subsequent follow-up ideas. Metaphysically and mystically speaking, God is the Ultimate True Self of yourself, and therefore wants to guide and inspire you. God manifests through creation of human beings and all of existence, and thus wishes the manifestation to be the best it can be for you and others. For this reason, the innermost God-Part of your mind wants to be the guide for the more surface, ordinary, or functional part of your consciousness. Yet, for many, God’s messages are not heard or felt.
How, then, do you receive the original, inspired idea and how do you receive follow-up ideas or thinking to support the original idea? Know that the Presence of Universal Mind or God Mind is in you right this moment, as it has actually been all of your life. Know also that it will continue to be within you for the remainder of your physical life—and beyond it. Stay present and stay open so that God’s guidance can reach through to you.
If you, however, know that the God-mind wants to get through but you are not sure of hearing the guidance, you might find it useful to question whether you are in fact aware of any blockages in your energy field, any need for change, growth, new direction, or new purpose in your life. Sometimes such a block may be in actuality the message for needed change. The key may be to remain thankful and open to receiving from God, and remain patient that it is coming because it is there. Perhaps the seeming withholding of guidance is itself a kind of guidance! Patience must be learned and practiced while waiting for new God-direction in your life.
It should therefore be understood that Higher Guidance from God may not be evident at all times in one’s life. Ideally, though, if one is open to receive it, Higher Guidance is always present. It may not be making its Presence known to the conscious, surface, obvious, or human part of the mind, for any one of numerous reasons that only the God-Mind itself knows.
Each day, take a few moments to engage in Affirmative Prayer for Higher Guidance, such as affirming that you are already receiving God’s Guidance, rather than asking for it at some future time. As the Christ that was in Jesus advised, “According to your faith, be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29). If your faith expresses that God’s Guidance is being received already, then be assured that your attitude in this respect is allowing it to take place.
Realize, also, that although you affirm in your prayer that you are already receiving God’s Guidance, you may not be given the conscious awareness of what that guidance may be until God feels that circumstances and conditions are such in your life that you can truly receive such guidance, that is, at a time when it would be most apt to benefit you. A person who has developed even the least idea of how important timing can be in life can then perhaps best appreciate that an All-Knowing God would be infinitely more aware of timing in regards to when original ideas and guidance are to be released to the conscious mind.
Just remember, that if one truly does what one can—through Spiritual Practices—then all further Guidance, or God Inspiration, will assuredly come to completion, again and again. The Spiritual Practices that caused the original idea to surface from the Mind of God will similarly cause follow-through ideas to flow into your conscious mind with the details of how to bring it about.
Always keep in awareness that Universal Presence is Eternally in Control for the Ultimate Good of every soul. And so, what will be, will be—because it already is.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ “The Theocentric Way of Life,” Volume 1: Module 11.
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