The International Metaphysical Ministry (IMM)
Beginning with the ordination of six ministers in 1963, what is now the IMM has grown to over 10,000 active ministers in over 125 countries worldwide. Over the past half century, the IMM has become the world’s largest Transpersonal, Transcendent, Theocentric, Holistic New Thought Metaphysical Ministry in the world. This has been accomplished as the result of the open-minded, spiritual outlook of its founder, Dr. Paul Leon Masters.
Through decades of consciousness research conducted with thousands of student research participants, Dr. Masters discovered universal truths that were the original higher consciousness truths upon which many of the world’s great religious traditions were founded.
This included the revelation that the highest of all spiritual truth is One, that every religion had something to say according to the degree of spiritual awareness and awakening of its followers. This led to an appreciation of the ancient Hindu saying, “Whatever path a man may travel is my path – wherever they walk, it leads to me”.
Thus, the IMM gives its ministers the latitude to teach spirituality as they currently understand it, forming ministries with members who are at a corresponding spiritual level of awareness. Closed, narrow-minded religious dogma is replaced with open-ended spiritual expression.
There is great diversity in the spiritual teachings of ministers throughout the IMM. Though this great diversity exists after ordination, studies leading to ordination are based on decades of consciousness research with thousands of research students and members. Seminary studies are based on the results of such research together with testing the results of the effects of such spiritual experiences to improve the lives of participants in the research. Such seminary studies leading to ordination when a bachelor’s degree level is achieved are taught by the IMM University System comprised of the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona.
About the International Metaphysical Ministry University System (IMM)
University of Metaphysics and University of Sedona
The University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona are private, postsecondary, distance-learning theological schools operating under the auspices of the International Metaphysical Ministry (IMM). The IMM is a 501(c)3 non-profit tax exempt organization as designated by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States. The curricula of both Universities are strictly non-secular and theological in nature—in the Holistic, New Thought Transcendent branch of Metaphysical Theology.
Beginning in 1959 Dr. Masters established educational and research facilities in New Thought Metaphysical studies. His activities evolved first into the International Metaphysical Ministry, granting students the right to minister. In 1976 he applied for and was granted the legal right to award non-secular degrees up to the Doctoral or Ph.D. level through the University of Metaphysics. In 2003, Dr. Masters applied to have the University of Sedona begin operating under the same legal right as that of the University of Metaphysics, but offering only doctoral degrees.
The University of Metaphysics provides an accelerated undergraduate program that serves both schools. Each university has its own accelerated doctoral degree program. Thus, students enrolling in a doctoral program with the University of Sedona will receive their Bachelor’s Degree, Ministerial Practitioner’s Diploma, Ministerial Ordination Certificate, and Master’s Degree through the University of Metaphysics. Doctoral Degrees are awarded from both the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona.
Since both Universities are totally focused on a Transpersonal, Transcendent, Theocentric, Holistic, New Thought Metaphysical curriculum, they each legally exist beyond the scope of the U.S. Higher Education Act of 1965. As there is no official agency governing Metaphysical education in the U.S., the IMM maintains extensive oversight, quality control, and critical evaluation of the Universities’ activities and curricula. The IMM ensures, through examination, thesis, and dissertation review, that both Universities maintain the highest academic standards for Metaphysical education.
The IMM has over five decades of service and experience in the private, postsecondary religious field, with students and graduates not only in the United States and its territories, but also in over 125 other countries. Internationally, IMM has over 18,000 active ministries. The IMM remains respectful of the individuality and independence of our Metaphysical graduates, ministers, teachers, and practitioners, encouraging independent research, the use of individual talents, modalities, and points of view, with the only requirement being that they stay true to the basic precepts of their Metaphysical education from the Founder.
It is the goal of the IMM University System to ensure that our graduates will always be able to take pride in their alma mater and be able to say with integrity and confidence, “I received my degrees from the most respected Metaphysical university in the world.”
With warmth and love, we welcome you into our worldwide International Metaphysical Ministry family.