Is there a key that opens you up to love, income, health, peace, beauty, happiness, and joy? Yes. It is the key of Mystical Oneness with God. Mystical Oneness is realizing that there is but One Life in this universe manifesting as everything. And you can connect to this One Life through a daily practice of meditation.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Defining: I understand that mystical oneness is oneness with God and All that is.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I am able to establish and maintain an inner mind state of Christ-Conscious oneness with God.
- Others: Through my Christ-Conscious oneness with God, I am able to feel a oneness with others, who contain the same God Presence within them.
- Visualization: I take a few moments daily to visualize or imagine that the interior of my body, on a spiritual level, is filled with God’s Light Presence. which gives me a state of oneness with the same God Light Presence in others.
- Nature: As God’s Presence is in all manifestations of nature, I sense, feel, and am one with all the beauties seen in nature.
- Supply: I recognize that through my oneness with God—who is All things and creates and controls All things of earth and heaven—whatever I need in life is supplied, according to God’s purpose for my soul in this lifetime.
- Health: In my oneness with God’s perfection and wholeness living as the life force within me, I am one in body, mind, and soul with good health and healing.
- Love: Through my oneness with God’s Presence within me, whose nature is love, I connect with God’s Love in others, attracting love to me.
- Unlimited: In oneness with God, others, and the universe, I am unlimited in what I am and can be.
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