Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. – Prostitution—Realistically and Mystically Viewed
The urge and the power to create is so powerful that the unmanifest moved within Itself to create manifestation. And because all that was manifested was of the very same presence, the power to create was similarly powerful within the creations. The infinite power to create remains one with its finite creation—the human being. Male and female energies of duality, moved by sexuality—a power greater than themselves—instinctively feel the pull to be joined with each other sexually.
What has all of this to do with prostitution? To the point—everything. To understand the presence of prostitution, one must understand it mystically—meaning the driving power to act sexually. The power of universal creation process is behind every human urge toward sexual activity. To prove the point, one has only to look at some of the misfortunes of some famous modern men in high positions whose urge toward sexuality overcame them, driving them to risk everything that it might have taken them years to build, now lost to the sexual push within them. They gambled their positions to satisfy this powerful drive, and presidents, kings, politicians, and clergy have succumbed.
Such is the power of the relentless drive for sexual contact. It should be no wonder, then, that the world’s oldest profession came to be and still exists. This dualistic society, made up of masculine and feminine energy, is powered by a Universal Presence in the physiological chemistry of both men and women. In such an environment, prostitution has always found its place—and it always will. Can anyone deny that there is a need for sexual activity in this dualistic earthly dimension? Can this power be repressed? Far too many of the clergy have proven that this power cannot be repressed or restrained. The power to act sexually is just too powerful in humanity.
But we cannot forget that there are places in today’s so-called modern world where women are still stoned to death for sexual acts unacceptable to primitive understandings of life. Yes, such hypocrisy is still with us long after these words were uttered by the Christ Mind that was in Jesus: “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast the stone.”
In such an atmosphere on this planet—in this earthly dimension—prostitution flourishes. The question is, should it? Critics would argue that it debases women, and would that not also apply to the customer—debasing men as well? Candidly, the only ones debased are those who attack it openly but hypocritically engage in it behind closed doors. Begin to pierce the veils of decency in any society and the basic premise of prostitution is very much present. For example, how many men and women today are married, but joined for financial or material reasons?
In commenting about this last example—especially for a mystical understanding—the preceding remarks have not been made to be critical, but only to view what could be called prostitution in a larger perspective. An even larger perspective is that the unrelenting Power toward sexual activity is very much a part of the human being everywhere—be it in the subtle maneuverings of a seducer or in the gross, harmful expressions of a sexual assault.
Prostitution is acknowledging life as it really is on the earthly physical dimension, not as its critics would wish it to be. But, does prostitution have a legitimate place in society?
Those who—without coercion of any kind—gladly and willingly engage in prostitution are, in their own way, knowingly or unknowingly a part of spirituality expressed in physical form as union. For the sexually disadvantaged, it may be as close as they ever get to at least some semblance of human warmth, which is God’s Presence surfacing—even if it is just for a brief moment.
In the United States there is currently great emphasis being placed on the coming home of veterans who have been disabled by serving in the military. Shall such young men—still with the powerful libido of youth—be told that, due to their disability, normal relationships leading to sexuality be forsaken for the remainder of their lives? Similarly, shall many who are socially challenged be told that they should forgo sexuality? And shall those who have dedicated their lives to the caring of an aged relative or others and cannot find the time to find someone with whom to have sexual relations in their lives, also be denied? The answers to those questions are left to you.
If prostitution could answer the call of so many, why has it been so shunned? The stock answer is that it’s degrading. It is degrading when one is forced to be active through dire financial need where nothing else seems to be an alternative, or when one is forced into prostitution and held in it by another. Force takes away from the freedom of the soul and is an affront to Universal Freedom manifesting in human form.
Sexuality emanating from free will is only sinful or an error when its presence takes precedence over the importance of God in one’s life. When Universal God Presence dominates a person’s consciousness, sexuality and the driving power behind it is seen as a natural activity of the creative process powered by the Universal Creative Presence of God.
What is described as sexuality in fact exists in many dimensions of the Universe—from far more barbaric expressions among dimensions spiritually lower than the physical dimension, and in far, far higher expressions in highly spiritual dimensions of being, where energy exchange is the most natural experience of union as unconditional love—or God’s Love—expressed. Such dimensions are the final level of union before ultimate union or absorption into God Beingness.
Human sexuality seen for what it really is, is a stepping stone to eventual reuniting with or union with God. God bless those who willingly serve the needs of others—in whatever capacity.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 118 -122.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev