Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“Realities and Absurdities of Religion”
The One Reality all religions share is that there is a God—a Supreme Being. Beyond that one commonly shared view, it’s downhill into absurdities.
The main absurdity with which most people are familiar is the clerical manipulation that “ours is the only religion.” As this is an earth-plane dimension that, for the most part, attracts souls with limited spiritual awareness, promoting this concept is easy for souls looking and needing spiritual assurance and desperate for hope. Under this banner of “ours is the only religion,” prejudices have been formed and wars have been fought—not to perpetuate the Will of God, but rather for the power of clerical manipulators.
The Reality is that there are many different levels of spiritual awareness by souls who have, throughout history, incarnated onto this planet. As such, the Superconsciouness that a person would attribute to God, would of course know that souls would need something they can relate to at a level that they can respond to. This is why God has allowed so many different religions to exist and even so many factions within different religions. Of course, the clerical manipulators do not want to hear such Reality and wish to drown it out under their zealous shouts that “ours is the only religion.” In reality, any religion whose clerical manipulators claim that theirs is the only religion, and that this is cause for all other religions to be eliminated, is not Godly, but against God’s Will that has provided many religions or ways to have God present in one’s life.
It can justly be pointed out here that the International Metaphysical Ministry recognizes the reality that God has made many religions so that all souls at every level might have a way for God to be in their lives. If anyone who has ever been ordained by the IMM begins to proclaim that his or her religion is the only way to find, know, or associate with God, that person would no longer be recognized by the IMM. Such an unfortunate soul has gone off the deep ego-end into the abyss of religion’s elitism and absurdity.
God-Guided countries? “Yes.” One-religion guided countries? Emphatically, “No.”
Another absurdity promoted by the male gender of clerical manipulators is that souls incarnating in female bodies are somehow second-class souls and should be subservient to souls incarnating in male bodies.
The Reality is that God did not create the female gender to serve the male gender—nor conversely males to serve females. The Reality is that Spirit has provided the dualistic illusion of male and female in physical form so that each should serve God’s Presence in each other. Find a religion that places women in a secondary role to the men in its hierarchy, and one disrobes a Godless religion, regardless of its high sounding platitudes. Male and female energies are created equally by God to give a dualistic illusion for the life beyond the One Life of God and for the sake of balance—which is necessary to avoid chaos in manifestation beyond the primal spirit. Only a religion—or a society for that matter—that recognizes the equality of both the masculine and feminine can make any realistic claim to being guided by God, or a manifestation in earthly or other-dimensional form connected to the Ultimate Life Presence or God.
A much longer exploration of the realities and absurdities found in religions could certainly be continued. What has been pointed out here are the two major absurdities to be found in religions, together with the realities that totally negate their assertions. If religions will begin to recognize the God-willed necessity for the existence of each other—so that every soul may have a way to relate to God according to its level of spiritual awareness—then God’s Peace can both figuratively and literally be manifested by religion on earth.
Perhaps the Golden Rule could be applied to religions—Do unto other religions as you would have other religions do unto you.
The bottom spiritual line is that God has created both.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 158–160.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev