In all sexual activity there is an energy exchange that affects both people spiritually, according to their soul’s purpose and how connected to Universal Consciousness they are. This energy exchange can have a very positive effect if there is also love, friendship, or genuine caring between the two.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Energy Exchange: I understand that in all sexual activity there is an energy exchange that affects both people holistically—affecting the physical body energies, the mental energies at all mental levels, the spiritual level associated with the soul’s purpose, and even the God level, depending upon how one with Universal Consciousness each participant is.
- Positive and/or Negative: I understand that the energy exchange between people during intimacy can have a positive or negative effect on one or both people.
- Gratificational or Recreational Sexuality: I understand that sexual activity only for the sake of physical gratification of the body produces no lasting positive effect on the body, soul, or oneness with God, and it leaves one empty in mind and soul with a void to fill, producing the need for more sexuality—possibly leading to addiction.
- Karma: I understand that there may be karmic reasons for any sexual contact—individual, collective, or both—with the payback of negative energy or the reward of positive energy.
- Soul’s Purpose: I understand that the most positive sexual energy exchange is between two people when the energy exchange helps one or both to better achieve their soul’s purpose.
- Verbal Slang: I understand that having a daily vocabulary expressing verbal slang with words of a sexual nature devalues sexuality, and, in turn, the total consciousness of the individual is degraded and the inner distance between the personal soul and the Universal Spirit, or God, is greatly widened.
- Positive Sexuality: I understand that sexuality can have a positive energy effect on one’s spirituality if there is love, friendship, or genuine caring between people who have initiated intimacy.
- Excitement/Stimulation: If the sexual attraction is to be lasting, I understand that a positive sexual energy exchange adding to one’s spirituality is created more by inner connection than by outer appearance.
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