Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. – Simultaneous Dimensional Existence
We are many in one.
When the psalmist praised God, proclaiming himself “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139), he alluded to the mysteries of our beingness that mystics through the ages have discovered—that the reality of who and what we are is complex. Indeed, every human being is a microcosm of the macrocosmic Universe, both physical and nonphysical.
How complex is a person’s state of beingness? If a person had no idea of the inner physiology of the human body and suddenly viewed it for the first time, most assuredly there would be a sense of amazement. Consider then that there are still other levels of a person’s state of beingness that are just as complex, if not far more so.
Every day of human life most people go about their lives not thinking about the physiological workings of their bodies—simply accepting that their outer reflections in their mirrors reflect who they are. Only when people are not feeling well are they reminded that they are more than the outer image of themselves. So barring illness, most people go about their lives without an awareness of the intricacies taking place in the inner workings of their bodies.
Beyond the inner, physiological workings of the physical body, there exists the same lack of awareness about other levels of activity composing one’s beingness. What mystics through the ages have discovered is that a person’s beingness extends into other dimensions of existence, with a corresponding level of consciousness for each of those existences. In first encounters with such revelations, this can be startling.
As an illustration, most religions tell their followers that when they pass on from this physical world their souls will travel to heaven or some other after-death state. Yet, if the mystical truth be told, everyone already exists in an after-death or astral plane. We exist there all our physical lives, from the time we take our first physical breath—and yes, even before that. This other existence is another dimensional energy body that is a part of one of several dimensions that make up one’s beingness.
To add to this mystery of one’s beingness, conscious life activity exists at every level of one’s beingness. In the case of one’s astral or after-death body, an astral life is already being simultaneously lived. Passing on, or the ending of one’s physical life, is a shifting from physical awareness to astral awareness, and that awareness already exists and has been living an existence in the afterlife or astral world. The mystic experiences this revelation of beingness in meditation, when disassociated from physical sense perception and astral perception takes over. Almost everyone in our physical world has heard the expression, “living a double life.” Well, in the realms of beingness, everyone is living at least a double life.
Yet, realms of one’s dimensional existence do not end with simultaneous astral beingness. There are still higher realms of beingness in every human being. There are more ethereal realms of existence that simultaneously exist with these earthly and astral existences, where one’s beingness is more angelic or godlike—closer to the Source of life, Universal Mind, Consciousness, or Spirit that is God. Still further into one’s beingness are the Christ, Buddha, or Krishna states of conscious beingness, where the individual state of beingness and the Universal are in simultaneous existence.
Consider then that within every human being there are simultaneous states of existence that are active—predating human life, during human life, and beyond human life.
Only when the mental health sciences of today have developed to where they are aware of such simultaneous states of conscious activity can clinical evaluations of such occurrences as psychosis, split personality, and a whole host of other dysfunctions or mental ills be approached and treated from wisdom and true knowledge, rather than only from a limiting, behavioral science or scientific perspective.
On the more productive side, only when a human being is seen as part of a multidimensional state of beingness can greater productivity—can more of one’s innate God-given potential—be surfaced to our human conscious awareness. There are vast new frontiers of life existence to be explored, and how exciting to realize that they all already exist within one’s self.
Yes, you are many lives being lived simultaneously. The enormity of this reality of your beingness cannot be overstated.
One may then ask—if all this is true, what should I do?
- Live your life as you have, and God’s Presence within you will guide you.
- Meditate daily and constantly release the false sense of personal will and ego identity that dominates you—rather than God’s Presence—so a higher state of awareness will gradually begin guiding your awareness and life.
Eventually, whether in this physical lifetime or another, we become aware of the various states of our beingness; and through the Grace of God’s Presence, we integrate all levels into a harmonious working Wholeness of Beingness.
It is not impossible—for in Absolute Truth, all that will be, already is.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 26–28.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev