Spiritual Energy Healing: The Christ-Mind Consciousness at the center of your being originates and controls the energy fields of your body and your mind. When you are attuned to that Consciousness, you will be intuitively guided as to what type of drugs and/or treatment you may need to restore and maintain healthful energy frequencies.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- The Human Body: I recognize that my body is an energy field comprised of many frequencies of energy.
- The Human Mind: I recognize that the human mind is a field of energy—one with the energy field of my body.
- Primal Light Energy: I recognize that Primal Light Energy, or Christ-Mind Consciousness, is the originating and controlling energy for the energy of both my body and my mind.
- Health Chains of Command: I recognize that the Christ-Mind Consciousness in me controls the human level of my mind, and through this level, the energy consciousness frequencies throughout my physical body.
- Drugs: I understand that drugs reduced to their essentials are, in fact, energy frequencies that influence energy frequencies in the human body, with the expectation of maintaining health through prevention, or restoring health.
- Medical Treatment: I understand that medical treatment through surgery or any other treatment is, in the final analysis, to change the energy frequencies throughout the body or in a localized part to bring about healing.
- Alternative Modalities: I understand that all alternative or complementary healing modalities to traditional allopathic medicine are also, in fact, to change or maintain energy frequencies to be in tune with health.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I am intuitively guided through the Christ Mind of my consciousness—one with God—as to drugs, medical treatment, alternative treatment, and spiritual healing that is needed to maintain or restore the health of my body, mind, and soul.
- Spiritual Healing: I recognize that the absolute premise of spiritual healing is to establish healthful energy frequencies in my body, mind, and soul through the Christ Mind part of consciousness energy within me.
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