Spiritual ESP (Extrasensory Perception) is about the interaction between your conscious mind and the Consciousness of God at the center of your mind. Through daily meditation you can establish Spiritual ESP, which—through your thoughts and feelings—will intuitively guide you in all areas of life according to God’s Will.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Spiritual ESP: I understand that Spiritual ESP is centered on the intuitive interaction between my conscious mind, Christ Mind, and Universal Mind/Spirit Consciousness, or God.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I establish and maintain Spiritual ESP in the interacting of all levels of consciousness within me, from the surface level to the innermost Mind/Spirit God level.
- Visualization: I visualize or imagine that the entire interior of my body is filled with Christ/God Light, flowing into my conscious mind as Spiritual ESP.
- Intuition: I open my conscious awareness to intuitive guidance from the Christ/God center of Universal Mind/Spirit within me.
- Thought Guidance: Intuitive ESP thought-energy flows into my conscious awareness daily, guiding me in love, health, material needs, and all else necessary according to God’s Will for my life.
- Feeling Guidance: Intuitive ESP feeling-energy flows throughout my body’s conscious energy field, producing in me guidance feelings in love, health, material needs, and all else necessary according to God’s Will for my life.
- Will: To clear my consciousness of obstacles to intuitive Spiritual ESP, I give up my personal will to God’s Will for my life.
- Stillness: Periodically during the day, I become still in body and mind so I may sense intuitive ESP guidance from God’s Mind/Spirit within me.
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