There are many spiritual keys for living a longer life of quality, including: releasing negativity; thinking positively; practicing moderation; meditating daily to bring out the natural healing power of God’s Presence within you; heeding God’s guidance; and adjusting to each stage of life instead of fighting it.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Constant Renewal: Through the grace of divine design by God’s Presence within the consciousness of my physical body, I accept that new cells are constantly replacing old cells throughout it.
- Release: I release all negative thought energy of both the present and past, so as not to have negative energy interfering with the positive energy of new cells throughout my body.
- Forgiveness: I forgive everyone of everything in my entire life, knowing that old, negative energy adversely affects positive energy of new cells throughout my body.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I bring forth the natural healing, restorative, reengineering energies of God’s Presence within me into the new cells throughout my body.
- Self-Image: I think and speak in a positive way about my age, such as referring to myself as “so many years young” rather than “so many years old.”
- Moderation: I practice the great spiritual principle of moderation in all that I do, including eating, drinking, exercising, and overall lifestyle.
- Meaning: I am led by God’s Presence within me to do something that gives my life meaning, such as being of service or help to others.
- Bright Side: The longer I live, the more I try to see the bright side of any situation or condition, knowing that God’s Bright Light Love Presence is the eternal reality often hidden by the outer appearance of what seems to be contradictions to a bright side.
- Enjoyment: Through God’s Presence within me, I am led to leisure activities that I enjoy with friends who can laugh, have fun, and be supportive of me, and I of them.
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