You are an idea in the Mind of God—perfect, whole, and healthy. To maintain or restore physical health, recognize your soul’s oneness with God; keep your consciousness aligned with God’s Consciousness through meditation; and always follow God’s intuitive guidance in matters of diet, exercise, and rest.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Beingness: I am a spiritual being created in God’s Light, and my physical body is an outward physical manifestation of my spiritual self reality.
- Interplay: Matters of health begin with my soul, which, in turn, affects the individualized consciousness of my mind, and, in turn, the consciousness of my body.
- Starting Point: In reality, all matters of maintaining or restoring health begin with the spiritual health of my soul, or my spiritual self reality.
- Soul/Spiritual Self Reality: I recognize the mystical reality that my soul is the individualized Consciousness of God coming forth from the Christ Light within me, or that state of beingness where God and I exist in oneness.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I establish and maintain Christ-like oneness with God in my soul, which, in turn, affects all levels of mind and body health-wise.
- Visualization: To maintain or restore heath, I visualize or imagine that my real body is that of God’s Christ Light—perfect, whole, and complete – and that this Light exists in every cell of my physical body, inwardly and outwardly.
- Moderation: I recognize that to maintain or restore good health, I must do everything in moderation, avoiding and finally eliminating excesses of all kinds.
- Balance: I recognize that to maintain or restore good health, I must maintain a balance between my innermost spiritual beingness and my outer mental/physical manifestation.
- Listening: I am constantly listening to what my body is trying to tell me in regard to any and all things pertaining to maintaining or restoring good health.
- Intuitive Guidance: In my ultimate state of oneness with God, I am intuitively led in regard to diet, exercise, rest, and all advice about my health from medical and all other claimed health experts.
- God Power: God Power active in me has total power to maintain or restore good health throughout my soul, mind, and body.
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