Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“The Jesus Complex—or Claims to Be Jesus—Mystically Understood”
Uncertainty, war, fear, confusion, ill health, loneliness—these are just a few of the reasons people often welcome someone who might claim to be Jesus in the physical flesh. The Christ Mind that was in Jesus warned that there would be those who would appear in his name. And certainly, there have been. For reasons already stated, people who are particularly hurting are open and vulnerable to someone handing them a business card with the single name of Jesus on it.
Of course, it takes more than a business card. It takes giving the outer appearance of what people would believe Jesus should look like. If you have ever seen any movie about the life of Jesus, you know that the actor who gets the role looks like what people have—from childhood’s conditioning—believed him to look like. If there were a casting call by a movie producer for an actor to play Jesus, the requirements might be as follows:
Wanted – Actor to Play Jesus
- Must have long hair—at least shoulder length
- Must have a warm, pleasing smile
- Must be physically attractive and charismatic
- Must be able to present a gentleness, yet be firm when necessary
- If the eyes are blue, they must be bright, piercing, and engaging
- If the eyes are brown or dark, they must be soulful, compassionate, and penetrating
Now for a moment, imagine that the role of Jesus was not being cast for a movie, but for someone had chosen himself to play out such a role in real life. The most obvious move would be to look the part—to skip a few haircuts, check out colored contact lenses, and see a good dentist for a wonderful, loving smile. And let’s not forget attire. No one expects Jesus to arrive in a business suit. Considering that a robe might be too over the top, the final look should be casual— simple and uncomplicated, for that is also something people would expect of Jesus.
The personality should be gentle, loving, and forgiving, especially for those who may not believe that he is Jesus. The Jesus personality must also be able to speak in a manner of authority—as one who truly knows and is Jesus.
Next is the religious or spiritual part. This person, because of spiritual study or lack thereof, may take a fundamentalist Christian view, quoting often from the Bible. Or, he may take an esoteric approach, relying on teachings of mystics through the ages. Whichever the choice—fundamentalist Christian beliefs or esoteric Christian interpretations—there will be a ready audience of souls with enough vulnerability to make them easy recruits for one claiming to be the reappearing Jesus. There will even be a few learned academics who will be lured in. Anyone claiming to be Jesus loves this, as he can point out that even those who are learned accept him as Jesus.
Reference for Those Claiming to Be Jesus
As for those who have made the claim to be Jesus, there are many. For an interesting description of the various claimants, go to Wikipedia.org and search for “List of people claimed to be Jesus.”
Knowing Imposter or Self-deluded?
So, are these people knowing imposters or self-deluded?
If a person knows that he is not the real Jesus having returned, and he is simply taking advantage of people for his own ends, he can still be convincing to his acquired followers.
Or, the person may genuinely believe himself to be Jesus. But what would cause such self-delusions?
Both the knowing imitator and the genuinely self-deluded have the presence of Christ Energy Consciousness within them. When speaking, they can both unconsciously draw—not from Jesus’ Beingness—but from Christ Energy, which is within everyone, both saint and sinner.
The fundamentalist will communicate this Christ energy in a more unsophisticated manner, while the esoteric one will present more of an ethereal, otherworldly form of expression. Of the two, the latter is the more convincing, because even if people don’t understand what is being said, his manner of expression elevates the Jesus figure as someone who knows of the higher things of God. Eventually, both the knowing imposter and the self-deluded Jesus will implode, for the truth that neither is really Jesus will come out.
Subtle Imitations
In today’s world there are far more who do not claim to be Jesus than those who do. However, without saying they are Jesus, they will attempt to project a Jesus image to their followers. Review the casting-call image of Jesus, and you may find someone who has played or is playing the role by image projecting. Remember always the popular saying, “What you see is not necessarily what you get.”
Followers of a Reincarnated Jesus
Adding to the fragile credibility of one claiming to be Jesus, are those among the followers who attempt to verify that he is Jesus; they claim they knew him when he was the historical Jesus. They could claim to have been anyone, but most prominently are the many who have claimed to be Mary Magdalene. On a purely false, personal ego-centered consciousness, claiming to have known the person who claims to be Jesus gives that person status or elevates him or her above the other followers in the group. Through this method of association one adds to one’s false sense of personal ego identity, even developing an obsession, wherein the follower truly believes this reality. This belief generally will win added favor with the Jesus claimant, for it appears to strengthen his reincarnation claim.
The Greater, More Important Mystical Reality
So, what’s the great lesson to be learned from all of this? Mystically, all of us carry Christ Conscious energy in our innermost beings. However, there are times when this so dominates a consciousness that the person could fall prey to believing that he or she is Jesus. For they are experiencing the same energy consciousness as Jesus had in his day. When a person is in such a state of mind, he or she is in a Christ Mind state of awareness, and concepts, ideals, and love can flow forth from him or her in the same way it did from the historical Jesus.
From a mystical interpretation, the following words from the Bible reinforce the reality of the energy of Christ Consciousness in everyone:
- 1 Corinthians 3:23 “And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s.”
- 1 Corinthians 2:16 “But we have the Mind of Christ.”
- Philippians 2:5 “For let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”
However, when one has truly awakened to God’s Presence within, one is not impressed by anyone claiming to be Jesus. In fact, by having awakened to Christ Consciousness within oneself, one may share the emerging wisdom without any claims to be Jesus or anyone else in the history of religion that people would tend to look up to.
It is not the messenger, but the message that is important. All messengers—including Jesus—pass quickly from physical view, but the message—which is timeless—lives forever.
True spiritual messengers and teachers do not have to pretend to be, or regard themselves as, some great historical figure—they stand on the message alone.
Be thankful for such messengers and respect them for the Christ Consciousness Energy that speaks through them, but don’t worship them—saving worship for God’s Presence within yourself.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 50–54. Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev