To have an abundance of love in your life, you must be Love. That is, you must recognize that God is the source of Love, and that the more you are one with God’s Presence within yourself, the more you are one with—and are—God’s Love, able to manifest all of its attributes and qualities.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Source: I recognize that God’s Presence is the Absolute Presence and source of Love.
- Oneness: I realize that the greater my oneness with God’s Presence of Love within me, the more I am one with the Absolute Presence of Love itself.
- I Am: The more I am one with God’s Love, the more I am Love itself.
- Manifesting: The more I am God’s Love itself, the more I manifest the attributes and qualities of God’s Love.
- All Levels: I communicate all levels or expressions of Love, be it friendship love, family love, co-worker love, neighborly love, or personal love.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I connect in thought and feeling with the Presence of God’s Love or personal love.
- Aura: I visualize or imagine my body surrounded by an aura of pure, white God Love Energy, which I give out to others with whom I have contact.
- Telepathy: On an unconscious level of my mind, I am constantly telepathically sending forth God’s Love Energy to those I know, and the world in general.
- Compassion: As Love, I am compassionate towards others and extend compassion to them.
- Forgiveness: As Love, I am forgiving of others for their lack of awareness and weaknesses.
- Understanding: As Love, I am understanding of people, their needs, their strengths and weaknesses, and why they are the way they are.
- Encouragement: As Love, I communicate encouragement to others who need support in their lives.
- I Am: As Love, I am the living, breathing, communicating Presence of God’s Absolute Love expressed daily.
- Being: By being Love expressed, I have and live in an abundance of love in my life.
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