Turning Failure into Success: Failures are simply learning experiences. They are temporary experiences that can distract you from what God wishes you to do to experience success. In that regard, bless and release any so-called failure, and open your mind to be filled with the creative ideas of God that will bring you success.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Bless and Release: I bless and release any so-called failure of the past from all levels of my mind, and simply regard it as a learning experience.
- Not the Experience: I recognize that I am not any failure experience, for failure experiences are only temporary and not part of my eternal-self oneness with God.
- Elimination: I regard all failure experiences to be part of an elimination process in the personal ego level of my mind, in order to clear away all that is distracting me from what God’s Presence wishes me to do to experience success.
- Already So: I accept that in the Mind of God at the center of consciousness within me, all seeming so-called failures of the past no longer exist, and only success for me exists.
- Will: I give up my personal will, which may have past failure experiences associated with it, to the Will of God, which contains my success within it.
- God Knows: I accept that God knows my needs and creates success for me according to what is best for my eternal soul.
- Consciousness: My mind is open daily to be filled with creative ideas that bring me success.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, negative failure energy is sublimated into God’s Light Energy to bring creative success ideas into my awareness.
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