Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“Union with God — in Each Other”
There is only peace in Oneness, and it can rightly be said, there is only Love in such Oneness. Extending still further—in the peace and love that is Oneness is Allness, and Allness can only be described as God.
On this earthly plane of existence, there has always been conflict—if not between nations, then certainly between other groups or individuals. Except for a few awake, mystically enlightened souls, this is the way it has been on the Earthly plane throughout history. Certainly, there have been periods of peace, but just as certainly, those periods of peace have fallen prey to conflict.
For souls who pray for peace on earth—take comfort, for there is peace to be found in this universe, but not for the mass majority on Earth. Mystically understood, there are countless numbers of soul-groupings throughout the universe—both on the physical plane of existence, as well as in many other dimensions of existence. Each grouping of souls is at a certain level of awareness spiritually. Each grouping sees and understands each other and God at a certain level of spiritual awareness. Every grouping of souls incarnates into dimensions of energy consciousness with which they are in harmonic energy attunement. There are planes of existence for baby souls, old souls, and for those who are in between.
Souls who are weighed down by the illusion of personal ego self—generating the illusion of separateness—are incarnating into this earthly dimension of existence. This gives way to an illusionary sense of beingness that proclaims something like this: “I am one life, and you are another life;” “We share the same planet, but we are two separate existences;” “Even if we share the same religion, we are still two different identities;” or “The God of my religion is the only true God, and yours is not.”
What do all of those thoughts have in common? All express separateness. And wherever there is separateness, the chance for conflict is ever present. Dualities and the illusion of separateness make up the energy consciousness that is the foundation of Earthly dimensional life. With exception of higher mystically awakened souls, every soul incarnating here will continue to incarnate here or to similar planes of existence—incarnation after incarnation—until, through experiencing enough conflict and strife, their souls rise to a level of awakening where God’s Presence of Oneness begins to take over, replacing personal ego and its dualities and separateness with the Oneness, Peace, and Love that is God.
In the earlier stages of this mystical awakening, the soul awakens to union with Spirit or God. In the latter stages of this awakening, the soul awakens to union with the same God Presence in others. When such awakened souls leave this earthly plane of existence, they find themselves in a grouping of other consciousness-awakened souls. In such a dimension, there are no dualities—only Oneness, peace, love, and Universal God Presence.
When one prays for lasting peace on earth, it will never be—but take heart. Worlds of lasting peace do exist. Deep down, hidden in God’s Presence within your soul is the knowledge that they do exist—and that is the real stimulus causing one to pray for peace.
In the interim—what to do?
- Realize that you are on this earth, but ultimately, not of it.
- Realize that you are living in a world created by—and of—illusion.
- Realize that you are in this world of illusion for a purpose—to ultimately outgrow it, or more specifically, to reawaken to Oneness or God.
- Realize that if you begin to reawaken to the Oneness that is God, you must be patient with those who still slumber spiritually. You are on your way back to God, and one day they will be, too.
- Realize with your awakened understanding that such understanding may bring you into conflict with those still under the spell of illusion. Speak of such understanding only with those who cross your path with like understanding. And be certain that they truly do have understanding, for the earthly plane is filled with those who speak of lofty spirituality only to win the confidences of others for their own personal ego gain. In the words of the Christ Mind that was in Jesus, “Beware of ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing.”
- As you go about your daily business, look at people as souls—rather than physical people. Realize that the vast majority are caught up in the illusion that they are separate existences. Try to see them as they truly are—souls encased in physical embodiment.
- As you awaken to Oneness with God within yourself, awaken to the very same God Presence in others.
- Realize that all ultimate awakening to God’s Presence in yourself and others is by Grace, meaning that God’s Presence is in control of your awakening.
- At an advanced stage of awakening, you’ll find yourself being more of an observer of Earthly life—rather than emotionally caught up as a participant.
- Know that you can experience Oneness, Peace, and Life while on this Earth plane by Union with God’s Presence in yourself. Know that you can only find peace with others on this Earth plane who have awakened mystically to God’s Presence within themselves. It is rare on this Earth plane that this happens, but if it does, consider it a bit of heaven on earth.
Only in a dimension where soul-groupings are all mystically awakened to the same life Presence of God can the much sought after environment of lasting Peace, Love, and Oneness—or God’s Presence—be a Reality. Until such time, even if it’s only a philosophical statement of belief, acknowledge that God’s Presence is the Ultimate—and in Reality—the only life in others.
May God’s Presence Guide You through the Illusions of Separateness into the Eternal Light of Oneness.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 38–41.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev