You are a winner! How could you not be? After all, your true self is one with God’s Presence within you, so you have all of God’s attributes available to you! You are divinely creative, adaptable, and intuitively guided. Even so-called failures serve to uncover the winner you have been all along.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- True Self: I am a winner, for my true self is one with the Presence of God at the center of consciousness within me, which makes me part of the Universal Mind/Spirit that created, owns, and is all that exists.
- Self-Image: I establish and maintain an image of myself as a winner, due to and based upon my oneness with God.
- Attributes: In my inner oneness with God I am a winner, because I have God’s attributes available to me to forever be a winner.
- So-Called Failure: Any so-called failure is just one more experience of life to unmask and uncover the winner I have been all along.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I establish and maintain a oneness with God, the Eternal Winner of all things individualized in me.
- Already So: In the Mind of God I am and have always been a winner, and in oneness I will continue to be so through eternity.
- Adaptability: In my oneness with God’s Presence within me, I am adaptable to all the changes necessary for me to make in life, which make and keep me a winner.
- Creativity: The Creative Consciousness of God’s Presence at the center of my mind flows through me to be a winner.
- Intuitive Guidance: I am a winner because my conscious mind continually receives intuitive guidance as to what to do to establish and maintain myself as a winner.
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