Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“You Can Have a Better Life If… “
A better, improved life can be yours if you utilize the major spiritual practices available to you and have a spiritualized state of mind. Bettering and improving one’s life is not a matter of blind luck. Everything in this universe works according to God’s law of cause and effect. To better your life, you need to put spiritual causes into motion to create improved effects in your life.
Spirituality is not just a matter of belief or faith, but of doing. Doing means cooperating with God. From a human perspective, that means engaging in spiritual practices to keep your mind attuned to God’s mind. Doing also means being in physical motion. Some people have the mistaken notion that if they do their spiritual practices, whatever they may be, then they can just sit around doing next to nothing. It is as though God will suddenly materialize what they need without an ounce of effort on their part. It simply does not work that way.
Even so-called spontaneous miracles are not actually spontaneous at all, but rather the result of an unseen law of cause and effect that may have been in progress for a considerable length of time. This may be coupled with a person having kept in physical motion to be at the right place, at the right time, in order to experience their demonstration of good.
More specifically, having a better life is a day-in, day-out custom of staying focused—first spiritually, and then on events taking place in the daily activities of one’s physical life. Combining both your inner and outer focus of attention produces a state of consciousness conducive to what is required to better your life. Even with an outer focus, the foundation of your consciousness is always spiritual. To the degree that you strengthen and maintain your spiritual focus is the degree your outer focus will succeed in bettering your life.
You must utilize all spiritual means to bring the total of what you are spiritually capable of to bear down on what needs to be done to better your life. It is all-out cooperation with God’s Presence. Nothing is held back in your spiritual arsenal for defeating a lesser life, so that you may have a better life. When this happens, God’s Presence within you responds, because Spirit sees that you are doing all you can do, and thus reciprocates in kind. God is more effectively able to help better your life because you have entered into full cooperation with God.
As often repeated in these insights, of all spiritual practices, meditation is the most important in producing a better life. No other popular spiritual practice brings one in closer contact with God. While in meditation, the inner contact with God in a higher state of consciousness brings about a better life in the following ways:
First and foremost, through direct personal mystical experience, it brings about an awareness that God does indeed exist. Of anything that could make life better, it is having an awareness that there is a creative presence that is part of one’s own innermost consciousness. As a part of you, God knows what is taking place in the minds and hearts of all of the Creator’s creations. Thus, a person can have faith that all of their other spiritual practices are heard or received by God’s Presence within.
Secondly, by bringing you closer to God’s inner Presence, meditation brings you into contact with God’s divine energies. The divine energies of God can translate into the attributes of wisdom, creativity, will, love, and others that are the spiritual steppingstones to a better life. By its very nature, meditation also penetrates into the deeper layers of the unconscious that contain God’s healing energies. By contacting the healing energies within you, there is a much better chance to have good health and to promote healing, which, for the majority of people, is an enormous part of being able to have a better life.
This refers not only to physical health, but mental and emotional health, as well. The health or state of the soul can be a major factor in the overall health of the body, mind, and emotions. The practice of meditation promotes a healthy state of soul. If you want a better life, meditate daily.
Know, too, that there is a purpose for which you are here on earth at this time in history. It is not by chance or biological accident that you were born who and what you are, at the exact time and place. The purpose for which you were born is God’s purpose for you. Most people live their entire lives not being aware of or even suspecting that there is a higher purpose to their lives. Most souls become so caught up in the life all around them, that their consciousness forms a personal environment. Thus, they attempt to live their lives according to the dictates of their personal will. The purpose for your life is God’s will. A person who meditates daily becomes aware that to better their life, they should attempt to do God’s will, not their own personal will.
Finally, keep in mind that one of the true signs of real spirituality in you or another is consistency when it comes to being positive. It is easy to be positive in good times, but for most people, it is just as easy to become negative in bad times. Often, all the strides that have been made during good times are lost because the negative takes over a person’s consciousness. To have a better life, you must not allow this to happen!
If you are going through any difficult period in your life, be sure to constantly restate your inner oneness with God’s Presence and Spirit. Catch yourself in the middle of a negative thought or feeling, and declare your oneness with God’s Presence. If you are meditating daily, seeking to do God’s will, and replacing your personal ego identity with your true identity, you will be empowered by God’s Presence within you to maintain positivity—even in the middle of difficult times—and your life will be better.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ “The Theocentric Way of Life,” Volume 5: Module 58.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev