Your Dreams as God’s Guidance: Whether you remember your dreams or not, God’s Presence is influencing your dreams for your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Through symbolism, God may be telling you what you have overcome, what you need to work on, or God may be informing you about the condition of your health.
Affirmations for “Your Dreams as God’s Guidance” by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Nightly: I am aware that I dream, and whether I remember my dreams or not, God’s Presence at the center of my mind is influencing my dreams for my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
- Symbols: I understand that most of the content of my dreams are symbols representing an associated reality in my thinking.
- Symbol Examples: As an example, I understand that death in a dream may symbolize the death of old patterns of living, behavior, or belief, or that birth may symbolize a newness to my way of life.
- Current Evaluation: I understand that God’s Presence may symbolically let my conscious, mortal self know what I have overcome in myself, or what I currently need to work on, or what I need to improve in the future.
- Somatic: God’s Presence within me, which is aware of the health of my body, may through my dream content inform me about the condition of my body health-wise.
- Repeating Dreams: I understand that repeating dreams are doing so because the awareness of what God is communicating has either not been accepted or understood by the conscious, personal ego part of the mind.
- Interpreting: God’s Presence at the center of my mind intuitively guides me to correctly interpret the symbols and meanings of my dreams.
- Cooperative Dream Time: I cooperate with God’s Presence trying to inform me through my dreams, by declaring every night before falling asleep that God is guiding me through the dreams I dream tonight and always.
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