Your Life: Luck, Fate, or Karma? Everything that happens in life has a cause. If it is good, it may seem like luck, but it is the result of a cause. If it is bad, it may seem like misfortune, but it is also the result of a cause. This law of cause and effect is called karma, and it comes about through the choices you make in life.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Cause and Effect: I recognize that everything that takes place in physical life or beyond it is as a result of a cause, which preceded an effect.
- Luck: Based on the universal law of cause and effect, there is no such thing as luck, chance, or good fortune, since everything has a cause that precedes it.
- Karma: The law of karma best illustrates the law of cause and effect, manifested in human experiences of good, bad, and degrees in between.
- Fate: Fate covering a person’s entire physical life, whether short or lengthy, can be as a result of the cumulative karma of many lives or pre-physical existence.
- Destiny: Based on cause and effect, karma, and fate, each soul has a certain destiny to live in this or any other lifetime.
- One Eternal Moment: Every soul is part of God’s one eternal moment of time, containing all they will experience over many lifetimes—bad, good, or in between.
- Choice: I recognize that my soul has a choice as to what part of God’s eternal moment to choose, and I choose enlightenment, which provides me with an awareness to choose good experiences.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, to one degree or another I contact the Presence of God’s eternal moment and am energized by good experience energy.
- Oneness: In oneness with God’s Presence, God provides me soul mastery to meet circumstances and conditions active in my life with positive, successful results.
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