In Part 2 of “Your Love Karma Explored,” Dr. Masters says that to a large extent, what you experience in your love life is the result of karma—of past deeds involving love, including deeds from past lives. Two people may be brought together to pay off a love debt; to achieve some kind of energy balance; or to enjoy the harmony produced by past actions that were good.
Affirmations for this lecture by Dr. Paul Leon Masters:
- Payoff Karma: I understand that two people may be brought together as a result of bad past deeds in love by one or both persons.
- Rewards Karma: I understand that a harmonious love relationship exists when two people are brought together as a result of good past actions in love by both persons.
- Energy Balancing Karma: I understand that two people may be brought together in love to achieve within each a balance of thought, emotional, and spiritual energies.
- Learning Exchange Karma: I understand that two people may be karmically drawn to each other in love to mutually share experiences to better learn the various aspects of life.
- Rebound Love Karma: I understand that rebound love karma draws two people together to ease the hurts of one or both persons.
- Short-Term Love Karma: I understand that short-term relationships act as an love energy filler to learn from until meaningful love is experienced.
- Needy Love Karma: I understand that needy love is an illusionary love, which is an attempt to get from another person what seems lacking in oneself or one’s life.
- Symbol Love Karma: I understand that symbol love is formed by one or both person’s attraction to money, worldly power, notoriety, intellectualism, position, accomplishments, or spirituality, which is what each person symbolizes to the other.
- Whole-Person Love Karma: I understand that whole-person karma takes place karmically when two people, who are whole within themselves, form a synthesis of body, mind, and soul.
- Spiritual Love Karma: I understand that spiritual love karma brings people together to share the Learning and Energy Presence of the Love of God within each.
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