Testimonials from Students and Graduates
Thank You for Your Intention to Make a Difference
Our motto can be summed up in the following words: “Here to serve the best in you, that you, in turn, may serve the best in others.” That is why you have been drawn to this resource – to enter into a wonderful educational pathway that many thousands, worldwide, have traveled for decades. Your experience with our time-tested curriculum will give you the educational foundation you need to succeed as a professional in the field of metaphysics, as well as the practical tools necessary for self-expansion and personal development.
We want you to feel confident, and at ease about selecting our university programs for your metaphysical studies, so we invite you to peruse our testimonials and verified reviews which includes what some of our 2019 graduates have to say about their experience with us and how the program has changed and impacted their lives.
Hi, I would highly recommend this school! Amazing materials and amazing and very friendly administration . 5 star service. Thank you and I appreciate every supports! Blessings, Rev. Gerard Mayers Ph.D.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
“God as Your Guru,” The Theocentric Way of Life. 3:16.Despite all “methods,” “paths”, “ways” books, mantras, angels, manifestations and other “things” often espoused and sold as “spirituality” and enlightenment, our dear Founder himself, Dr. Masters, gets to the heart of what it’s all about. Bless him! I never had the opportunity to meet the man but I truly already have in my heart, as he lives on in his courses I’m studying through the Universities. I am so happy to be pursuing my Masters and ultimately, my Doctorate, through his wonderful courses!
This program exceeded my expectations and has changed my life significantly for the better. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve themselves, their life, or their circumstances. This course put me on a path of self discovery and taught me more about myself than I’ve learned in my entire existence. I’m working toward my doctorate and hoping to have it by 2020.
Although I attended three traditional universities, I never encountered any program that was nearly as caring and dedicated to your students and their education as I have encountered with your program.
J.B., Ohio, USA
I thought the course was so well written and designed. The content was in total alignment with what I live and teach. There were so many practical processes that have enhanced my life.
Thank you – I loved the course.
D. L., Michigan, USA
Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights…online message this week, “Loneliness – Mystically Perceived” is especially encouraging and comforting. Much appreciation to him always, and the staff of UOM/UOS who keep to its spirit and generosity of this institution going strong.
I would like to express my undying gratitude for the program and for the many ways in which it has enhanced my life, cured me of helplessness and depression, and restored my faith in God. Dr. Masters has taught me a great deal, and I continue to learn from him daily through the mini consultations and materials available. Thank you all for the incredibly important work that you do.
M. R., California, USA
Truly a prestigious University. Thank you so much for your help, support and understanding. I am so looking forward to living up to the University’s ideals.
Y. F., France
I talk about this University all the time, to people who want to study what they want, to enhance their lives and find their soul purpose. Your program of study doesn’t just give you a job, it creates a life worth waking up every morning, knowing you are living on purpose. What you learn is transferable to many areas of your life: personal, family, society/community and professional. Thank you.
I wish to express my gratitude for your devotion and commitment to uphold the space for others to receive professional certification and recognition to be of service to others. After 50 years of service to so many others, it is clear that you walk your talk – and I wish to say at this time, Thank You!
From the modest days when most of the world was unaware of the meaning of the word Metaphysics, you had a vision and a drive to create the ministry to create the means for so many others to serve and follow in your footsteps. For caring and nurturing the program through lean years and years not so lean, you have held the candle, the light for others, such as me to recognize and benefit from.
I feel honored by having this connection to you in this way, to have completed your doctoral program, and to be recognized in the world in this way – Although I do not intend to have an active ministry at this time.
It may not be everyday that you receive acknowledgement of your efforts, the gratitude from fellow graduates – nor does it seem to have been your intention to receive such accolades from your students I respect your modesty and wish to simply say again Thank You for creating and maintaining the program. Should I ever find myself with the opportunity to be in Sedona, I look forward to the chance to personally express my gratitude.
Until then, go well and remain well. In Oneness with much appreciation,
S. A., Australia
I have been evolving and studying Dr. Master’s material for over 6 years. I am eternally grateful to have made the decision to pursue UOM doctoral program that he has designed. As an educator of 20 years, I am absolutely amazed at how well the program is organized, written and sequenced. Wow!! I enjoyed going through the Bachelor’s program and am excited to get started on the Master’s program.
S. D., Nevada, USA
My highest appreciation of the learning content the University online programs provide for its doctorate students. May success wait upon you all.
I was first introduced to The Metaphysical Thought in my primary years of developments, that is my teen years. Though it resonated with Me deep within my heart, I was Leary of it all,
Fast forward, In 1996 visited Hillside Chapel and Truth Center in Atlanta, Georgia and the rest is History. I Believe that this program affords you the opportunity to expand on what you already know, but to also served as a reminder, of that which you are here to do. It assists you in remaining purposeful, and intentional in always being of Service to other’s. And the real purpose of why we as Humanity are all here together.
Moreover, if you are a Truth seeker, then may I recommend The University of Metaphysics & University of Sedona. I bid all of You Shalom!!!! Namaskar and Namaste – Peace Be Still!!!!!
The exam and modules have been so beneficial to me and my spiritual growth in Metaphysics. Dr. Master is not only a genius at making the content within the modules understandable to those of us who maybe a bit advance in the subject of those who are just coming into the Light of Understanding. The Higher Mind within me was one with this exam and study materials. I could feel It guiding me throughout the exams entirely. Thank you all for being accessible whenever I had a question about this exam…no matter how basic my question! Thank you again! I really feel like I’m “home” with UOM!
C.T., Canada
I am new to Dr. Master’s work, but not to the field of metaphysics, psychology and the paranormal. I found that Dr. Master’s work is refreshing. In all of my research, study and experience, I have discovered that what he is teaching is indeed important and the most valuable. The journey begins within. It is our experience which dictates our learning. The intellect is limited, as well as our egos. I truly would have liked to have met Dr. Masters. His work is as much needed and relative today as it was years ago. I would recommend this course of study for everyone.
This university has blessed me in so many ways once again to explore more of my spiritual journey and a chance to have a wonderful scholars ships ,and also to be to be able to exploring my wonderful dream and a wonderful way to take this ministry that I had no access to during of my , life getting in the way, I find my life being completed shared with love and my beautiful University bachelors and masters, and doctorate in a special Ph.D.IN Whatever I would like to specialize.
Dear Rev. Exley, Thank you for working my dissertation into your busy schedule. I appreciate all of your efforts. I have really enjoyed my experience working with the University of Sedona and the University of Metaphysics. There is much to learn and many people to help spiritually. Being a school Principal for many years, I come in contact with many adults and children that need both spiritual and educational guidance. It is our job to make a difference in their lives. This university is outstanding!!!!
S.B., New Jersey, USA
University of Metaphysics has provided me a rich life of service and light to humanity. I am grateful. I have been in service to over 1000 people offering spiritual counseling, crystal light bed therapy, and international sacred journey travels. Dr. Masters has created a University of Light that we may emanate light to humanity worldwide. I am thankful to him.
K.D., California, USA
Best Metaphysical Universities in Our World.
Doctor Masters, Michelle Behr and all who work there and who have studied and currently studying are all wonderful souls working to make Our World a Better Place for Us All.
The best private, distance learning institution. Very passionate and caring people. Excellent programs to enrich anyone who so desires.
I have three doctorates from university of metaphysics. The course and doctoral dissertation allowed me a introspection of my total Higher self. It allowed me to acquire the right tools for helping others achieve a Homeostasis of values in life. Dr Masters’ eclecticism of spiritual and psychological self examination in course work is both inner self Therapeutic and conscious realisation of our important value to who we are.
M. H., United Kingdom
Thank you for the warm welcome into your University System, and for the opportunity to work with your Doctoral program for my metaphysical and higher consciousness studies. Deep gratitude is felt here! And know that your kindness has rebounded into many people’s lives in South Africa, as giving Spiritual Truth really feeds my soul; and I feed it many times a day.
My daily life is a meditation of gratitude to Our Divine Father /Mother—and sharing that God and Nature in their infinite Wisdom love us all—has been my passion since I can remember; you have given me the tools to take this passion and vibrate it so it is felt by others. With my new inspired divine understanding, words that are needed, become the words that I utter, to ALL whom Life sends my way.
L.P., South Africa
It´s been a wonderful experience to read, answer and practice everything learned till now. I´m enjoying and feel blessed by the God-Mind within me, and within all of you for making this possible for me and everybody around the world.
Thank you very much
F. L., Chile
Being an enlightened individual, this university was a blessed calling. The Doctorate Program is a must!